• 3 November 2023

Who Invented Pizza: From Italian Import to American Staple

Who Invented Pizza: From Italian Import to American Staple

Who Invented Pizza: From Italian Import to American Staple

Who Invented Pizza: From Italian Import to American Staple 1024 517 Flow & Foods

Imagine the aroma of freshly baked dough topped with tangy tomato sauce and melted cheese wafting through the air. This is the essence of pizza, a dish that has woven its way into the fabric of cultures worldwide. But the question of who exactly invented this universally adored dish takes us on a journey back to Italy and forward to its embrace by American diners.

Who Invented Pizza: The Neapolitan Roots

In the shadow of Mount Vesuvius, in the city of Naples, the earliest version of pizza was born.

It was here, among the working poor, that pizza began as a flatbread with a variety of toppings. The true transformation occurred with the introduction of tomatoes from the Americas, which became a game-changer for the evolution of pizza.

The Evolution of Pizza: A Timeline

Pizza, as we know it today, is a testament to the power of transformation and tradition merging over centuries.

Its journey from a simple street food to an international culinary icon is as rich and varied as its toppings. Here’s a timeline that traces the roots and rise of pizza:

3rd Century B.C.: The earliest form of pizza takes shape in ancient Rome, where soldiers bake a flatbread called “panis focacius” on their shields and top it with added flavors like herbs and cheese.

16th Century: Tomatoes, brought back to Europe from the New World, are initially thought to be poisonous. However, the poorer population of Naples daringly adds this once-feared ingredient to their yeast-based flatbread, creating the first simple tomato pizzas.

Late 18th Century: The streets of Naples become the cradle of modern pizza. Street vendors and informal eateries begin serving “pizza” as an affordable and quick meal for the working class. These early pizzas are garnished with garlic, lard, salt, and anchovies.

1889: Pizza garners royal approval when Raffaele Esposito, a baker from Naples, creates the “Pizza Margherita” to honor the Queen consort of Italy, Margherita of Savoy. The toppings of tomato, mozzarella, and basil represent the colors of the Italian flag.

Early 20th Century: Italian immigrants introduce pizza to the United States. It remains a niche ethnic dish until after World War II when returning American soldiers create a nationwide appetite for the pizza they had tasted in Italy.

1943: Chicago stakes its claim in pizza history with the invention of the deep-dish pizza by Ike Sewell at his restaurant, Pizzeria Uno.

1950s: Pizza truly begins to dominate the American fast-food scene. The advent of frozen pizza, chain pizzerias, and the popularization of pizza delivery services contribute to its ubiquity.

Late 20th Century: Gourmet pizza becomes a trend with chefs experimenting with exotic ingredients and fusion cuisines, leading to a new era of artisanal pizzas.

21st Century: The rise of health-conscious eating sees the introduction of gluten-free and plant-based pizzas. Technology also revolutionizes the pizza industry with online ordering and delivery apps.

Today: Pizza continues to evolve with trends like sourdough crusts, international topping combinations, and even dessert pizzas. It remains a beloved dish, celebrated on February 9th with National Pizza Day in the United States.

From its humble beginnings to its current status as a global staple, pizza’s evolution is a slice of history that continues to be savored and explored. Each era adds a layer to its rich history, much like the layers of delicious toppings that make up the pizzas we enjoy today.

The Royal Seal of Approval

The turning point for pizza came with a special dish made for Queen Margherita of Savoy.

Raffaele Esposito, a master of the pizza craft, created a pizza that bore the colors of the Italian flag: red tomatoes, white mozzarella, and green basil. Named after the queen, Pizza Margherita became a national sensation and solidified pizza’s standing in Italian cuisine.

Crossing the Atlantic

As Italians migrated to the United States, they brought their cherished pizza with them.

New York City’s Lombardi’s, established in 1905, is recognized as the first pizzeria in the United States, marking the beginning of the American pizza journey.

The Americanization of Pizza

In America, pizza found a new identity. The rise of pizza chains and the invention of frozen pizza made it a mainstay in American life. Pizza was no longer just an Italian immigrant’s memory but an integral part of the American culinary scene.

Today’s Pizza Landscape

Now, pizza is a testament to culinary creativity, with regional variations like Chicago’s deep-dish and California’s gourmet toppings. It’s a dish that has adapted to its surroundings, proving its universal appeal.

Pizza Across America: America’s Regional Variations

The United States has embraced pizza, making it one of the nation’s most beloved foods.

But just as America is a melting pot of cultures, so too is its pizza. Each region adds its own local flair, creating a diverse pizza landscape that’s as varied as the country itself. Let’s slice into the regional variations of pizza across America.

New York-Style Pizza: The Icon

New York-style pizza is arguably the most famous American pizza variant. With its thin, foldable crust, tangy tomato sauce, and generous sprinkling of mozzarella, it’s a staple of the city that never sleeps. Grabbing a ‘slice on the go’ is an essential New York experience.

Chicago Deep Dish: The Hearty Pie

Chicago turns the pizza concept on its head with its deep-dish style. With a thick crust that rises high and allows for a generous helping of toppings, sauce, and cheese, it’s more like a pie than a flatbread. It’s a pizza that demands a fork and knife and a hearty appetite.

California-Style Pizza: The Gourmet Twist

California-style pizza is known for its focus on fresh, local, and often unconventional ingredients. It’s where you’ll find toppings like goat cheese, artichokes, and avocado, reflecting the state’s rich agricultural bounty and innovative spirit.

Detroit-Style Pizza: The Square Deal

Detroit-style pizza is a rectangular pizza with a thick crust that’s crispy and chewy. It’s characterized by its caramelized cheese edges and the ‘reverse’ order of ingredients, with cheese directly on the dough and sauce dolloped on top.

St. Louis Pizza: The Cracker Crust

St. Louis pizza features a thin, cracker-like crust made without yeast, and it’s typically cut into squares or rectangles. It’s known for using Provel cheese, a creamy blend of cheddar, Swiss, and provolone that’s a regional favorite.

New Haven-Style ‘Apizza’: The Charred Chew

New Haven-style ‘apizza’ is a thin-crust pizza that’s often charred and chewy, cooked in a coal-fired oven at high temperatures. It’s typically enjoyed with just tomato sauce and grated pecorino cheese, with mozzarella being considered a topping.

Philadelphia Tomato Pie: The Saucy Slice

Philadelphia’s tomato pie is a square-cut pizza that’s more about the sauce than the cheese. It’s often served at room temperature, making it a popular snack at local bakeries and pizzerias.

Pacific Northwest: The Seasonal Slice

In the Pacific Northwest, pizza is often topped with seasonal and locally-sourced ingredients. With a focus on organic and artisanal toppings, these pizzas are a reflection of the region’s commitment to sustainability and local farming.

Hawaiian Pizza: The Tropical Controversy

Hawaiian pizza, with its ham and pineapple toppings, is a subject of debate among pizza purists. Love it or hate it, this sweet and savory pizza has become an integral part of America’s pizza repertoire.

From coast to coast, America’s regional pizzas are a reflection of local tastes, ingredients, and histories. They show how a simple dish from Italy has been transformed into a canvas for innovation and expression. Whether it’s a slice of New York thin-crust or a piece of Chicago deep-dish, each pizza tells a story of the people and the place it comes from. Pizza in America isn’t just food; it’s a culinary adventure that’s as diverse as the country itself.

Pizza Goes Global: The International Journey

Pizza, a dish that has its roots deeply planted in Italian soil, has journeyed far beyond the borders of its homeland to become a global phenomenon. This section will explore how pizza has spun its doughy web across the world, adapting to the tastes and traditions of different cultures while maintaining its core identity.

The Italian Export

The story of pizza’s global journey begins with Italian immigrants who brought their cherished recipes with them to the Americas and beyond. As they settled in new lands, they opened pizzerias, sharing a slice of their heritage with their new neighbors.

The American Makeover

America didn’t just adopt pizza; it reinvented it.

With the creation of styles like New York thin-crust and Chicago deep-dish, the United States set the stage for pizza’s international makeover. These American variations would later be exported, introducing the world to new ways of enjoying this classic dish.

Pizza in the East

In countries like Japan and South Korea, pizza has taken on a distinctly local flavor. Toppings such as teriyaki chicken, squid, and even sweet potato are common, showcasing the innovative fusion of traditional Italian pizza with Asian tastes.

The Middle Eastern Touch

The Middle East has embraced pizza, adding regional ingredients like lamb, feta, and za’atar. These pizzas often feature a blend of local spices, reflecting the rich culinary traditions of the region.

European Variations

Across Europe, from the UK to Russia, pizza has been adapted to local palates. In Sweden, the ‘Kebab pizza’ is popular, topped with döner kebab meat and sauce. In Germany, ‘Flammkuchen’ is a pizza-like dish with crème fraîche, onions, and bacon.

The Latin American Twist

Latin American countries have also put their spin on pizza.

In Brazil, pizzas with green peas, corn, and hearts of palm are common, while in Argentina, a thick, focaccia-like base called ‘fugazza’ is topped with onions and cheese.

Africa’s Adoption

In Africa, pizza has been welcomed with open arms, with local toppings like peri-peri chicken in South Africa or spicy suya meat in Nigeria. These pizzas are a testament to the continent’s diverse and flavorful culinary scene.

The Australian Innovation

Australia is known for its adventurous pizza toppings, including kangaroo, emu, and crocodile meats. These exotic toppings are a nod to Australia’s unique wildlife and a reflection of its bold culinary culture.

The Global Chain Influence

International pizza chains have played a significant role in popularizing pizza around the world. By setting up shop in various countries, they have introduced standardized versions of pizza, creating a familiar baseline from which local variations can emerge.

The Artisanal Resurgence

Amidst the global spread of pizza, there has been a resurgence of artisanal and Neapolitan-style pizzas. These pizzerias focus on high-quality ingredients and traditional methods, serving as a reminder of pizza’s origins and its timeless appeal.

Pizza’s global journey is a story of adaptation and innovation. As it continues to travel and transform, it not only reflects the tastes of the world but also brings people together. It’s a dish that transcends language and culture, proving that good food knows no borders. Whether it’s a simple Margherita or a pizza topped with exotic local ingredients, the international journey of pizza is a testament to its universal appeal and enduring popularity.

The Science of the Perfect Pizza Slice

The quest for the perfect slice of pizza is a journey into the heart of culinary science.

It’s an alchemy of flour, water, yeast, and heat, where each element plays a crucial role in creating a slice that’s a symphony of flavor, texture, and aroma. Let’s delve into the scientific intricacies that make up the anatomy of the perfect pizza slice.

The Foundation: Dough Chemistry

The dough is the canvas of a great pizza, and its creation is a balancing act of gluten formation and fermentation. The gluten network, developed through kneading, gives the dough its elasticity and structure. Meanwhile, yeast fermentation imparts flavor and causes the dough to rise, creating the airy pockets that make for a light and chewy crust.

The Hydration Equation

Water content, or hydration, in pizza dough is pivotal.

High-hydration doughs lead to a more open crumb and a crispier crust, but they can be challenging to handle. The perfect hydration level is a dance between manageability and the desired end texture.

The Heat Factor

The oven’s role in pizza science cannot be overstated. High temperatures are essential for creating the perfect char and leoparding on the crust’s underside. Wood-fired ovens can reach upwards of 800°F (427°C), creating a rapid rise and the quintessential blistered crust that’s crispy on the outside and tender on the inside.

The Maillard Reaction and Caramelization

The browning of the dough and toppings is thanks to the Maillard reaction, a chemical process that occurs when proteins and sugars in the dough are exposed to heat. This reaction not only contributes to the golden-brown hue but also develops deep, complex flavors.

The Melt and Stretch: Cheese Dynamics

The choice of cheese is critical.

Mozzarella is favored for its excellent meltability and stretch, a result of its ideal fat and moisture content. The way cheese melts and browns is a delicate interplay between the proteins and fats, contributing to the overall sensory experience of the pizza.

The Sauce: Acidity and Sweetness Balance

A harmonious pizza sauce is a careful balance of acidity and sweetness, often achieved with tomatoes and a touch of sugar. The sauce’s flavor profile should complement the dough and cheese, adding a tangy counterpoint to the rich, savory notes.

Topping Thermodynamics

The cooking properties of toppings must be considered. Vegetables with high water content can make a pizza soggy if not pre-cooked or thinly sliced. Meats need to be distributed evenly to cook through without overloading any section of the pizza.

The Slice: Cutting Technique

Even the way a pizza is sliced affects the final experience.

A clean cut through the crust ensures that the structural integrity of each slice is maintained, preventing toppings from sliding off and ensuring that every bite is as intended.

The science of the perfect slice is a testament to the intricacy of pizza-making. It’s a craft where precision meets art, each step backed by scientific principles that, when executed correctly, lead to a pizza that’s more than just a meal—it’s an experience. Whether it’s the crunch of the crust, the stretch of the cheese, or the balance of flavors, the perfect slice is a delicious tribute to the science of pizza.

So, Who Invented Pizza?

The precise origins of pizza are shrouded in the mists of history, with various forms of flatbreads adorned with toppings being consumed for centuries across different cultures. However, the pizza that we recognize today, with its dough base, tomato sauce, and cheese, has its roots firmly planted in the heart of Italy.

The innovation that led to the pizza we know and love can be traced back to the 18th century in Naples.

This was a time when the bustling streets were filled with vendors selling cheap, hearty food to the working class. These early pizzas were simple and accessible, often topped with garlic, lard, salt, and anchovies.

The pivotal moment in pizza’s history came when these Neapolitan flatbreads met the tomato. Tomatoes, brought back from the New World, were initially thought to be poisonous by Europeans. However, the poor of Naples took a chance on these bright, juicy fruits, and it wasn’t long before the tomato-topped pizza gained popularity.

The dish truly stepped into the limelight when a local baker named Raffaele Esposito created a pizza to honor the visit of Queen Margherita of Savoy in 1889. Esposito’s creation featured tomatoes, mozzarella cheese, and basil, ingredients chosen to represent the colors of the Italian flag. The queen’s enjoyment of this dish was so profound that it not only elevated the status of pizza in Italy but also led to the naming of the iconic Pizza Margherita.

While Esposito is often credited with inventing the modern pizza, it’s important to recognize that pizza was the product of a collective cultural evolution. It was the Neapolitan people, with their ingenuity and love for simple, delicious food, who laid the foundation for what pizza would become. It was a dish born from necessity and transformed into an art form that would conquer palates around the globe.

So, while we may not be able to pinpoint a single inventor of pizza, we can certainly celebrate the city of Naples as the birthplace of one of the world’s most beloved foods. The spirit of pizza is woven into the fabric of Neapolitan life, and from there, it has spread to every corner of the earth, adapting and evolving with each new culture it touches.

Conclusion: The Legacy Continues

The invention of pizza is less about a single creator and more about the collective evolution of a dish that has captured hearts worldwide. From its humble beginnings to its status as a global favorite, pizza’s legacy is as rich and diverse as its flavors.

Amazon Product Recommendations:

  1. Pizza Oven Outdoor 12″ Wood Fired Pizza Ovens
  2. Professional Pizza Cutter Wheel
  3. Italian Olive Oil
  4. Organic Basil Plant Kit
  5. Artisan Pizza Cookbook