• 11 November 2023

Who Invented Donuts: A Delicious Dive into History

Who Invented Donuts: A Delicious Dive into History

Who Invented Donuts: A Delicious Dive into History

Who Invented Donuts: A Delicious Dive into History 1024 517 Flow & Foods

Donuts, or doughnuts, are a beloved treat enjoyed by millions around the world. These sweet, fried pastries have become a staple in bakeries, coffee shops, and breakfast tables. But have you ever wondered about the origins of this delightful treat? Who invented donuts, and how did they evolve into the sugary sensation we know today?

Let’s embark on a tasty journey through time to uncover who invented donuts.

The Early Beginnings of the Donut

A Dutch Treat?

The story of the donut begins in the early 19th century.

While the exact origin is a bit hazy, many believe that the Dutch settlers brought the earliest version of the donut to America. These early donuts, called “olykoeks” or “oily cakes,” were simple balls of dough fried in pork fat. However, they lacked the familiar hole that we associate with modern donuts.

The Birth of the Donut Hole

It was an American, Hanson Gregory, who claimed to have invented the ring-shaped donut in 1847. According to legend, Gregory, a 16-year-old sailor, was dissatisfied with the raw center of the traditional fried cakes. To solve this problem, he reportedly punched a hole in the center of the dough before frying, ensuring even cooking. This innovation not only solved the issue of the uncooked center but also gave birth to the donut’s distinctive shape.

The Donut’s Evolution

Automation and Mass Production

The donut’s popularity surged in the early 20th century, thanks in part to technological advancements.

In 1920, Adolph Levitt, a Russian-born immigrant, invented the first automated donut machine. This invention revolutionized the donut-making process, allowing for mass production and making donuts more widely available to the public.

The Donut During War Times

Donuts also played a role during World War I and II. Women volunteers, known as “Doughnut Dollies,” served donuts to soldiers on the front lines as a reminder of home. This act of kindness helped boost morale and cemented the donut’s place in American culture.

The Art of Donut Making

A Culinary Canvas

Today, donuts are not just a snack; they are a canvas for culinary creativity.

From the classic glazed donut to elaborate gourmet creations, the variety of flavors, toppings, and fillings is endless. Donut shops and bakeries continuously experiment with new ingredients, combining traditional techniques with modern flavors.

The Rise of Artisanal Donuts

The artisanal food movement has also embraced donuts, leading to the rise of specialty donut shops. These establishments often focus on high-quality ingredients, unique flavor combinations, and handcrafted techniques, elevating the humble donut to a gourmet treat.

The Global Appeal of Donuts

Beyond Borders

The appeal of donuts has crossed borders, with various countries adopting and adapting the concept to suit local tastes. From the Berliner in Germany to the beignet in France, the donut has many international cousins, each with its unique twist.

So Who Invented the Donut?

The origins of the donut are shrouded in a delicious mystery, with several theories and anecdotes contributing to its storied history. While it’s challenging to pinpoint a single inventor, the evolution of the donut can be traced through various cultures and innovations.

A Dutch Beginning

The earliest ancestors of the modern donut are believed to be the “olykoeks” or “oily cakes” brought to America by Dutch settlers in the early 19th century. These were simple, sweetened dough balls fried in pork fat. However, they were quite different from today’s donuts, notably lacking the now-iconic hole.

The American Innovation

The credit for the invention of the ring-shaped donut often goes to an American, Hanson Gregory. As the story goes, in 1847, Gregory, then a 16-year-old sailor, was frustrated with the raw center of the traditional fried cakes. Seeking a solution, he reportedly punched a hole in the center of the dough before frying. This simple act not only ensured that the dough cooked evenly but also gave the donut its distinctive and now universally recognized shape.

The Hole Truth

The hole in the center of the donut isn’t just a quirky feature; it solved a real problem.

Before this innovation, the dense dough often remained uncooked in the center when fried. The hole allowed the dough to cook thoroughly, creating a perfect balance of crispy exterior and soft interior.

The Name Game

The term “donut” itself has an interesting history. Some suggest it was derived from “dough-nut,” referring to the nut-sized balls of dough. Others believe it’s a nod to the nuts that were sometimes placed in the center of the dough ball to eliminate the uncooked center problem.

Gregory’s Legacy

While there are various claims and stories about the invention of the donut, Hanson Gregory’s tale remains the most widely accepted. His simple yet ingenious modification not only improved the cooking process but also started a culinary trend that would spread worldwide.


The donut has come a long way from its humble beginnings as a simple fried cake.

Its evolution reflects changes in technology, culture, and culinary trends. Today, donuts are more than just a sweet treat; they are a symbol of comfort, creativity, and global appeal. So, the next time you bite into a delicious donut, remember the rich history behind this beloved pastry.

Recommended Amazon Products

  1. Donut Maker Machine
  2. The Doughnut Cookbook
  3. Artisanal Donut Baking Set
  4. Electric Deep Fryer for Donuts